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Thursday, May 19, 2005
I would echo these comments from Robert Spencer. The thing that everyone is missing in this story is that the rioters killed because someone may have flushed a Qur'an down a toilet. Is that really a jusification for murder?
The question here is one of proportionate response. If a Qur'an had indeed been flushed, Muslims would have justifiably been offended. They may justifiably have considered the perpetrators boors, or barbarians, or hell-bound unbelievers. They may justifiably have issued denunciations accordingly. But that is all. To kill people thousands of miles away who had nothing to do with the act, and the fulminate with threats and murder against the entire Western world, all because of this alleged act, is not just disproportionate. It is not just excessive. It is mad. And every decent person in the world ought to have the courage to stand up and say that it is mad.
I for one will stand up and say it is madness. I have been saying that for quite some time now, just not a well as Mr. Spencer.

Also see the typically fine work of Cox & Forkum on this topic!

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