Documenting the experiences of a typical Midwesterner struggling to read the Qur'an, understand Islamic extremism and its effects on American politics.
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Saturday, May 22, 2004
Bill Whittle Essay
Bill Whittle has posted a new Essay that I found inspiring.

think about what it would take for you to kill your own daughter with a knife, with your bare hands, because she was seen in the company of a man not her husband or a relative? Think about that. Think long and hard. What kind of hatred and shame could drive a human being to do such a thing? What kind of pressures does that society bring to bear on an individual to make him capable of that? How different is their view of women, of family, of honor and shame? What would it take for you to murder your daughter with a knife, or a knotted cord - with your own two hands and against her pleading, her protestations, and her begging for her life? If your response wasn't "there is nothing that could make me do that," then stop reading right here and get the hell off my property.

Get off my property indeed...

No, this is not about reason, as we understand the term. This is about shame, it is about denial, and it is about transcendent revenge. Shouts of Allahu Akbar! were not overdubbed by western propaganda agencies as they sawed through Nick Berg's throat and twisted off his head. Those are authentic. As they got down to their filthy work they were screaming, over and over in a fit of religious ecstasy: God is Great! Nick Berg was nothing more than an animal sacrifice to them. That is Radical Islam.

The only thing that will appease them is your blood. All of it. Remember that.

I will remember, even if Nick Berg's poor excuse for a father dosen't.

You MUST go and read the whole thing right now. Michael Berg, you are excused from this assignment. I doubt that you would "get it".

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