Despite no new posts here in almost a year, the hit counter just went over 10,000.
I hope this message gets out.
I haven't posted here in quite some time, not that I haven't been
So, here is the final update:
I finished the rest of the Qur'an and nothing there made me change my mind about the Manson-like quality of the cult.
James Lileks finds
The Presbyterians as repugnant as I do.
Of course,
Heaven is for Presbyterians.
Is it time yet?
Take 'em down Mr. President... TAKE THEM DOWN!
Read THIS!
Run, don't walk, to read
this masterwork.
Waste of time
I have been wasting my time here. It seems that
someone has already done the heavy lifting.
Bibles in Saudi Arabia
Dean's World comes
this piece pointing out the hypocrisy of the Saudi's and other militant Islamic enemies of the USA.
The Bible in Saudi Arabia may get a person killed, arrested, or deported. In September 1993, Sadeq Mallallah, 23, was beheaded in Qateef on a charge of apostasy for owning a Bible.
Sort of odd, considering Islam considers the Bible a holy book that is superceeded by the Qur'an.
Makes you wonder about the response to the faked story about the Qur'an and a toilet...
Is there any question that these people are mad?